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Emerging Technologies

Updated: Feb 12, 2024

Augmented Reality (AR)

I selected augmented reality (AR) as one of the emerging technologies to consider for the Emerging Technologies Proposal because it can be effective in providing students with real-life situations to practice developing the confidence and skills required to properly handle client situations in the social sciences field.

This can be impactful in developing the confidence and skills required to properly handle most situations in the social sciences field. Studies have shown that the use of AR increases student engagement, enhancing the educational experience and resulting in higher levels of immersion in the material (Gil Parga et al., 2023). The technology is cost effective and can be easily utilized via a cell phone, tablet, computer, or headset, making it a preferred method for online instruction.

One way I would incorporate AR into my professional business is by creating scenarios for students to work through, both individually and as a group. Another way I would use AR is practice my own teaching skills with a simulated classroom. This will allow me the chance to participate in presentations and information sessions ahead of time, giving me the chance to work through any challenges I may have in the process.

Check out the video below for more information about AR in education.


I also selected microlearning as a second emerging technology to consider, as it can be easily implemented into academia. Additionally, research has shown that students prefer to be given information in smaller pieces and allowed to complete educational tasks on their own time (Javorcki et al., 2023). Microlearning includes visual aids such as graphs, pictures, or video snippets. Short training modules are used to develop skill-based knowledge that can be applied in a variety of professions. This way of learning is both flexible and available across space and time.

A way to use microlearning in the education field is by creating short audio clips that highlight important information in the material I am teaching. I can also create 1-3 minute videos that focus on parts of the information that are better learned with the use of graphics or images.

Watch this short video to learn more about microlearning.


Gil Parga, S., Singh, U., Gutierrez, J., & Marks, S. (2023). Pedagogical design in education using augmented reality: A systematic review. Interactive Learning Environments.

Javorcik, T., Kostolanyova, K., & Havlaskova, T. (2023). Microlearning in the education of future teachers: Monitoring and evaluating students’ activity in a microlearning course. Electronic Journal of E-Learning, 21(1), 13–25.

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